

CUCKOO 开创了一个【创业机会】透过销售家电产品,轻松赚取3-5K 甚至更高的收入!😍 

同时,我们也访问了刚升级【销售经理】的 Pauline! 

1)为什么你会加入 CUCKOO 呢?
✅ 因为水机容易卖、容易 Done Deal 💰 

2) 加入 CUCKOO 后,生活有什么不一样的改变吗?
✅ 时间自由,不用请假,说走就走的旅行

简单的访问就能看得出 Pauline 的生活品质,因为经营 CUCKOO 这份事业提高很多很多 ❤️  今天无论你是想转换跑道,寻找下一个行业趋势,或者寻找副业,利用业余时间增加收入,都欢迎你来~ 

Struggling with rising living costs after starting a family? Still wondering how to find the next income opportunity and earn extra?

CUCKOO presents a business opportunity through selling home appliances, allowing you to easily earn 3-5K or more! 😍

We also interviewed newly promoted Sales Manager Pauline:

Why did you join CUCKOO?
✅ Because water purifiers are easy to sell and close deals 💰

How has CUCKOO changed your life?
✅ Flexible time, no need to apply for leave, and freedom to travel

Pauline’s quality of life has greatly improved thanks to CUCKOO! Whether you're looking to change careers, follow a new trend, or add a side income, you’re welcome to join us!

【Whatsapp: +60 12-692 6652 for more information】

#Hiring #Recruitment #ASMmengGroup #cuckoo #CuckooBeyondStandards #cuckoowaterfilter

18年的水机家电经验| 每个月稳稳销售 600-700台团队业绩|

Dr Rex PHD Holder Cuckoo Branch Sales Manager


Flexible Hour Unlimited Income

Top Sales Danny RM50k Monthly Income

加入Cuckoo销售,帮你处理好了90%的生意细节joining Cuckoo sales. We’ve already taken care of 90% of the business process for you